The Peoria City Council is proposing a new fee on property owners.  This means ALL property within the city of Peoria will be charged a fee.

You can take steps now by registering your opposition to make sure elected officials in Peoria understand this is a bad policy which makes it more expensive to live in the community. They are poised to vote on this measure soon, creating an unwanted holiday gift that will keep on giving long after the last present is unwrapped.

The fee amount depends on the size of your home or building. Larger structures will be charged higher fees – but even parcels with no structures located on them will pay a fee.

These fees will increase over the next 4 years. City officials are calling it a fee, but really it is another property tax.

Property owners in Peoria have already seen higher garbage fees, property tax increases, a stormwater utility fee, and an upcoming CSO fee for the combined sewer overflow issue.

Tell the Peoria City Council to vote NO on the proposed Public Safety Pension Fee and other property taxes.

The impact of this can affect our entire region. Tell them to not balance the budget on the backs of property owners.